The Bombadils Le Soleil Se Lève À L'ouest (Fair and Tender Ladies) Lyrics

Fill Your Boots!

The Bombadils Fill Your Boots! Album

8.Le Soleil Se Lève À L'ouest (Fair and Tender Ladies)

Come all you fair and tender ladies, take warning how you court
young men. They're like the stars of a summer's morning, first
they'll appear, and then they're gone.

They'll tell to you some loving story and make you think they
love you well, and then they'll go and love another, and leave
you in your grief to dwell.

Te souviens-tu d'nos jours d'amour, deux oisillons qui font la
sieste? Si tu me disais, je te croirais que le solei se lève à

So never cast your eye on beauty, for beauty it will soon decay.
The fairest flower in the garden will whither soon and fade